Hans-Joachim Hummel lives and works in Würzburg.
Architecture and communication design specialising in photography
- Aktuell: Showroom open? Please call 0171 36 4 36 36
- Sight Acts – Klinikum Hanau
- Parkwohnstift Bad Kissingen
- Im gARTen vol 1-7 Veitshöchheim
- H2Oh! – Bad Kissingen
- SichtStoff vol 1 – 8 Würzburg
- SichtWeisen – Galerie Kirchner
- Liebe = ein seltsames Spiel – Tanztheater-Projekt – Würzburg
- Horror Vacui Würzburg
- Photobook: HonKong PingPong
- Photobook: [w]orte
- Photobook: Landmarks – Citysights
- Photobook: Liebe = ein seltsames Spiel (Love = a strange game)
- Postkartenserien: Unterwegs, in Farbe, am Wasser, Landmarks, überSicht
“The architecture and communication design graduate, who has worked as a freelance artist since 1976, has ventured into a fascinating border realm, where the principles of painting and photography converge and fuse together in Hummel’s experiment laboratory. There are both digitally edited and manipulated photos that captivate, colour photos with thick, intense luminosity, overwhelming presence and mysterious radiance, whether figurative, with objects, people, still life or landscapes, or even purely abstract compositions.”
“Hummel demonstrates an extraordinary flair for the power, magic and autonomy of colour, which is sometimes completely released from the object, emancipating itself from it.”
“Encounter an artist who makes a living from moving encounters or even encountered movements and depicts these in his art in a highly musical, melodious and polyphonic way.”
“Hans-Joachim Hummel is a traveller. He captures what he has seen on his camera, but he transforms it by adding his ‘perspective’ and his emotional imprint. In so doing he bestows a dreamlike quality here and there. The viewer recognises the motifs, but photographic techniques such as overlaying, blurring and controlled movement impart the space with other dimensions entirely. The artist captures the fleetingness of the moment in the real world, as well as the coming and going of our dreams on camera.”